NIOSH Approved Pulmonary Function Training

Full course – 2 days

Refresher course – 1 day


Participants in this course learn spirometry techniques that are approved by NIOSH and the American Thoracic Society. They become familiar with applicable OSHA standards, ATS recommendations and NIOSH guidelines. Basic pulmonary anatomy and physiology, FVC, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC calculations are taught. Various types of spirometers are represented and the advantages and disadvantages of each are addressed. This course consists of lecture and supervised practicum. Instructor-student ratios ensure many opportunities for individualized instruction.


Participants become familiar with all aspects of occupational pulmonary function testing, including anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system, medical aspects of the OSHA respiratory protection standard as well as other OSHA standards requiring pulmonary function testing. In addition, participants will learn about standards regarding spirometers, calibration, acceptability and repeatability criteria,  environmental exposures and lung diseases. Students participate in small group testing under the supervision of experienced practicum instructors. They learn proper spirometric technique, posture, coaching and to identify common testing errors and methods to improve the quality of testing. Different types and brands of equipment are discussed to familiarize the participant with the various equipment options available. After successful completion of the course, the participant receives a NIOSH approved certificate of completion.